An appropriate exercise for asthmatics

An appropriate exercise for asthmatics

For someone who has asthma, there are some things that need to be considered to guard against asthma does not recur when performing certain activities, one of which is choosing the right activity. Activities that are too heavy can trigger asthma and this can be dangerous if you do not resolve them quickly.

An appropriate exercise for asthmatics

One activity that is often feared by many people with asthma is exercise. They can not arbitrarily exercise like normal people, given the conditions of asthma that may arise during exercise. Therefore, as quoted from, there are two types of exercise that can be done safely for people with asthma, among others, is

One study found that adults with asthma who runs three times a week diving 12 consecutive weeks is able to control the asthma they suffer at the same time improve fitness without triggering a sudden attack.

Walk for 30 minutes per day is also very good, with a time of 5 minutes regulate heating and cooling. If you want to burn more calories, can walk briskly for 5 minutes once within a period of 30 minutes.

If you talk about practicing breathing properly, then yoga exercise can not be missed. Not only to train the body flexibility, yoga breathing exercise is also very good for asthmatics. Practicing breathing can reproduce lung capacity.

Research shows that people who practice yoga two and a half hours a week for 10 weeks were able to decrease dependency on asthma medication. You can also get the same benefits by doing Tai Chi and meditation.

Tips on exercise for asthmatics

So, if those of you asthmatics do not worry and confused about what to do any exercise because both the above exercise you can do to maintain your health, then the two walked casually and yoga is an excellent choice to keep the body healthy.

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