How to prevent and treat thrush easily using natural medicine

How to prevent and treat thrush easily using natural medicine - Thrush is an oral disease caused by inflammation of the mouth section. Thrush usually attacks the lining of the inner cheek, inner lip, gums, tongue and oral cavity. Thrush in medical language is called aphthous stomatitis, which is an abnormality in the form of mouth sores and inflammation. Thrush is classified as a disease that is not dangerous, but often extremely disturbing sprue disease sufferer activities will be disrupted due to consuming food or drinks because the effects of sore caused by canker disease.

How to prevent and treat thrush easily using natural medicine

The cause of canker sores

The cause of canker sores itself is caused by several factors, including low body resistance, sores in the mouth caused by food and hot drinks, condition poor oral hygiene, allergies and infections in the body, the wounds caused by tooth brushing too hard, and also shortage vitamin C, vitamin B, and iron. In addition, the causes of canker sores can also be caused by allergy products mouth cleanser or toothpaste, and the presence of bacteria and fungi in the mouth. Thrush can actually heal itself after a period of 14 days. But if left alone, canker sores can interfere because it feels sore.

How to prevent sprue disease

Therefore, before we sprue disease, we should take precautions beforehand. To prevent thrush disease came to attack us there are some things we have to do, avoid foods that are too hot, and the food was too spicy. Thrush can also be prevented by consuming fruits that contain lots of vitamin C. By maintaining oral hygiene, will also be spared from the sprue disease will attack us. Prevent sprue would be better than having to treat if the disease has attacked our mouth thrush. Drink plenty of water will also help us to avoid sprue disease, so consume enough water.

How to treat thrush

Paracetamol and mefenamic acid
This drug is used to relieve the pain that caused by canker sores, but to use or consume these drugs should pay attention to the correct dose, or by using a doctor's prescription.

Pasta of banana and honey
You can make a paste of banana mixed using honey to treat thrush. The trick is, you simply soften the banana, could be in the blender. After a smooth, mix honey to taste and then dab on canker sores.

Coconut water
You can also treat ulcers by drinking coconut water, by means gargled his mouth first and then swallowed. Young coconut water is very good for preventing inflammation in your mouth ulcer disease.

Coffee powder
The coffee powder can also be used to treat thrush. How to use is by smearing canker sores using ground coffee. Apply powder on the coffee canker sores, then leave for more than 10 minutes and then gargle with clean water.

Salt and water
Gargle with water and salt are dissolved, will speed up the healing process in the sprue disease. The trick is to dissolve the salt 1 tablespoon in 1 cup of warm water, then stir until the salt dissolves. Use this to rinse the salt water about 2 minutes. doing this way three times a day, and the results can be seen for 2 days.

Baking soda and salt
You can also make a paste of baking soda and salt to- treat thrush that you suffer. The trick, make a paste of baking soda with water mixed with a little, then add salt to taste. Apply this paste on the wounds caused sores, do three times a day.

Coconut oil and honey
Make a mixture of coconut oil mixed using honey to cure canker sores, use this mixture to lubricate the mouth are attacked by acne. Do this at night before bed. Coconut oil and honey excellent to combat bacteria and fungi that cause acne.

Basil leave
By the time you are attacked by mouth ulcers, as often as possible chew basil leaves a few pieces and then drink water. It can also speed up the healing process of canker sores.

Besides being used as a kitchen spice, turmeric is also believed to cure canker sores. The trick is to grate turmeric tea and mix with glycerin that is also in the puree, then rub on your canker sores.

Drinking yogurt also can accelerate the healing process in the sprue. Aside from being a drug, yogurt also to prevent disease thrush, because yogurt contains acidophilus.

Consume Vitamin
When attacked by canker sores, consume vitamin C, vitamin B, iron and folic acid to meet the needs of vitamins in your body.

Increase consumption of fruit containing Vitamin C
At the moment suffering from canker sores, it is advisable to consume fruits that contain lots of vitamin C.

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