Care for people with diabetes

Care for people with diabetes

Diabetes is a disease that can be attached to a lifetime in the person, but not necessarily unmanageable. It's just a routine checkup seems to still be a constraint.

Care for people with diabetes

As delivered by specialists in internal medicine and endocrine consultant from Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, dr. Tri Edi July Tarin, Sp.PD-KEMD, FINASIM, in Indonesia, the majority of people with diabetes do not make routine checks. In fact, the development of a person's blood sugar levels can change within a certain time, so it requires regular blood sugar checks.

"Testing is required not only to determine blood sugar level but also can help the therapeutic program management and treatment of diabetes. With regular checks, expected blood sugar levels can be controlled and complications of diabetes can be avoided," like what he said to reporters.

According to him, if the blood sugar levels under control, medication is no longer needed because of diabetes is quite manageable by controlling eating and physical activity accordingly. The risk of diabetic complications can be avoided.

"By checking your blood sugar regularly, people with diabetes can see how the food consumed and daily activities affect blood sugar levels. In addition, it can be seen also whether the therapeutic treatment of diabetes has been effective or not, so the doctor can provide medical recommendations further, "he said.

He said diabetics should keep blood sugar levels, blood pressure and blood fat levels as normal as possible. How? by controlling diet and physical activity are appropriate as well as checking blood sugar independently, using a measuring instrument-blood sugar levels that are sold freely on the market. | Care for people with diabetes

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