10 tips to overcome dandruff with hair mask

10 tips to overcome dandruff with hair mask

Hair is the crown that must be cared for and maintained properly it radiates beauty. However, as a result of several factors, sometimes become dull hair and scalp dandruff. Of course, this will make the appearance of hair will become less attractive. Although it has been tried several hair care, but such circumstances are not also missing. For those of you who have an issue with the hair, you can try 10 hair care tips using a hair mask that will cover here.

10 tips to overcome dandruff with hair mask

One type of hair care to be missed is to apply a hair mask. The way it works to nourish the scalp and hair optimally. Especially if you use natural ingredients that have many nutrients that can help prevent problems arising in the hair dandruff. To be more practical and can be done alone, create a row of powerful hair mask following dandruff.

1. Masks Neem Leaf and Olives

First, mix powdered neem leaves with olive oil until paste-like texture. Sweep on the scalp evenly and let stand for one hour. Furthermore, using a special shampoo dandruff rinse until clean. Do not forget to put a conditioner to keep hair supple.

2. Mask Honey and Avocado

Avocados are one of the fruits that contain omega-3 and is good for the health of skin cells. First, prepare the meat ripe avocados. Blend until the texture resembles porridge. Do not forget to add a few drops of honey and mix well. Dab on scalp until evenly and give a gentle massage. Wrap head with a towel that has been steamed for about 30 minutes. The effective way to eliminate stubborn dandruff. Finish by rinsing thoroughly.

3. Mask Lemon and Coconut Oil

Herb lemon and coconut oil is used to eliminate the causes stubborn dandruff. How to make it was fairly easy. Combine lemon juice, grated lemon peel and coconut oil until evenly distributed and textured thick. Massage on the scalp and leave for half an hour before rinsing with cold water.

4. Mask Lemons and Baking Soda

Baking soda is one ingredient that can inhibit the growth of bacteria that cause dandruff. Therefore, it would not hurt to combine baking soda with lemon juice. Mix well and form a paste. Apply the mixture on the scalp. Do not forget to wrap your head using a hair that has been steamed. Let stand for 30 minutes to allow the ingredients to infuse. Rinse with cold water.

5. Mask Honey and Coconut Oil

The anti-bacterial in vegetable oil and honey are often wont to eliminate dandruff. to form a natural mask, merely combine each ingredients till equally distributed. Apply to the scalp and supply mild massage for ten minutes for blood circulation and opens the pores. Let represent thirty to forty-five minutes and rinse with heat water till clean.

6. Mask Lemon and Yoghurt

One cause dandruff hair is dry scalp. Therefore, it does not hurt to use a mask that contains moisturizing ingredients such as yoghurt. This time, mix the lemon juice with yoghurt until the texture is creamy. Apply on the scalp that has been moistened with warm water. Massage gently for 15 minutes and rinse with cold water until clean.

7. Mask Ginger and Cucumber

Enter the two segments of ginger and one cucumber in a blender. Blend until the texture becomes more viscous. This mixture will overcome the stubborn dandruff are often itchy. Cucumber function itself will refresh the scalp while ginger is rich in anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties make more clean and free scalp itch. Apply regularly before the wash. Can also use it every night before bed.

8. Mask Aloe Vera and Garlic

Aloe vera that refreshes the scalp can be used as a natural remedy dandruff when mixed with garlic. However, use of aloe vera pulp only in order to nourish the hair more bushy. Garlic itself known as an anti-bacterial potent cause dandruff disinfect. Quite sweep the mask once every two days.

9. Mask Black Pepper and Yoghurt

One way to overcome dandruff is to utilize the existing herbs. For example, such as black pepper powder will kill the fungi that cause dandruff. How to create a mask fabricated from black pepper is just mixed with dairy product. additionally to the hair freed from dandruff, the scalp will nourish because of the macromolecule of dairy product.

10. Mask Almond Oil and Tea Tree Oil

Almonds sometimes processed into oil-containing moisturizer in big quantities. attempt combined with tea tree oil has anti-bacterial substances in dandruff. Of course, to make the material further pervasive, once daub mixture of oil, wrap head with a towel that has been steamed earlier.

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In addition to using special shampoos dandruff, it never hurts to compensate by applying a mask made from natural to keep the hair from damage and also dandruff sometimes always come. Moreover, with a composition containing a variety of active ingredients to eliminate dandruff, natural ingredients above will make your hair dandruff free. However, that result is more optimal, do not be lazy to implement ways on a regular basis.

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