Tartar and plaque overcome easily

Tartar and plaque overcome easily

What causes tartar ?. The cause is the medical term tartar, also called dental plaque. Dental plaque is the kind of dirt on the teeth arising from the leftovers were wrapped around the teeth.

Plaque and tartar are dirt that is always attached to the teeth and are very difficult to remove simply by brushing your teeth. Basically, tartar is the result of food residue on the teeth so that from time to time into the crust that continues to stick tightly to the teeth. Meal time is certainly going to be dirty teeth, there will be dirt on the teeth and cause tooth becomes rocky if not be in the clear.

Tartar and plaque overcome easily

The problem is laziness brush your teeth before and after sleep. How to clean the plaque and prevent this is to brush your teeth regularly. If lazy to brush food debris and dirt in the teeth will continue to develop into the crust. Therefore, brush your teeth regularly is very important.

Causes Tartar can also be caused because someone lazy brushing, especially to brush your teeth after meals and before bedtime. leftover food stuck in teeth will harden and become tartar. Tooth plaque will then be spread to all parts of the teeth and cause odor in the short term.

Coral causes tooth

Before discussing how to clean tartar, it helps you to determine the cause of plaque and tartar, among others:

| Rarely brushed their teeth
Them before and after sleep. In addition to not brushing your teeth clean, so the rest are still hiding in between teeth.

| Too often eat sweet foods
If you like sweets, so it tends to cause tartar. No need to over-consumption of raisins, chocolate, sweets, cakes and sweets are easy to stick in your teeth.

| Not diligent gargling
Gargling trivial but very effective to remove the leftovers in the teeth. Make a habit of gargling after meals.

| Smoke
If you are a heavy smoker, you certainly full dental cavities. Tobacco and cigarette smoke can cause tartar and yellowish teeth.

With tartar, it will aggravate your teeth, but also able to worsen the appearance of your teeth, especially if it is severe will be able to harm the health of your teeth. Some results of tartar namely;
Causing unpleasant mouth odor, see your teeth become ugly and dirty, the risk of infection of the gums and cause indigestion.
Many ways you can do to cope with tartar, that traditional medicine naturally or with medical methods performed by a dentist. The second difference is that if the above method to treat the tartar with the help of a dentist or medical costs quite expensive. However, now more and more people using the help of a dentist to treat gingivitis. This happens because according to them using this method will recover more quickly than with traditional methods.

Tips to prevent tartar

# Brush your teeth properly and regularly
Brush your teeth evenly by directing the toothbrush in the right direction. Are rubbed downward and upward. Do not forget to rub the inside of the tooth, the tooth surface used for chewing, and other parts of the uniform. To make sure you brush your teeth regularly at bed time and wake up.

# Flossing
Natural way of coral remove dental plaque
Flossing is one of the alternatives also to remove tartar. As we know that the tartar can also be caused by bacteria in the teeth and mouth. Therefore, by using flossing then the rest of the food in your mouth and the bacteria are completely eliminated.

# Orange peel
How to remove tartar can also use orange peels, namely by rubbing orange peel on tartar repeatedly. Perform routine to get maximum results. Vitamin C contained in grapefruit are very good for your teeth.

# Consuming Apples
Apples are very good for dental health. It turned out that not only can make white teeth but also removes tartar. If you regularly eat fruits rich in vitamin C, such as apples, guava, orange, strawberry, etc., you will have a dental health.

# Rinsing After Meals
Gargling is the most powerful way to scrape tartar and encourage the rest of the food is the cause of tartar. It would be very helpful if consumed mouthwash that already contained the active substance tartar remover that will quickly disappear.

# Chewing Fruits and Vegetables
You get used to chewing an apple, melons, carrots, and celery. Chew the fruit or vegetables an hour after eating can clean teeth naturally. Not only eliminate the remnants of food, but also tartar and strengthen the gums.

# Tomato and Strawberry
You can apply a tomato or strawberry teeth. Let stand for 5 minutes. Rinse your mouth with a mixture of warm water and baking soda. It helps to remove plaque and kill bacteria in the mouth.

# Chewing sesame seeds
How to eliminate the natural and simple tartar is chewing sesame seeds. Slowly chew a handful of sesame seeds for 4-5 minutes, but do not swallow and eat. Then brush your teeth using sesame seeds that you chew. sesame seeds act as a natural scrub for cleaning, brushing and helps remove tartar.

# Drinking water
Drink plenty of water after every meal to clean the remaining food in the mouth. Besides water, avoiding smoking. Tobacco can cause the accumulation of tartar below the gum line.

After consuming water, you are advised to rinse the mouth after a meal, it will help eliminate bad breath and food scraps are stubborn and stuck in the teeth.

The most important thing habit of brushing their teeth at least twice a day, after waking and sleeping before. How this would be to remove dental plaque is very strong. Because fluoride contained in the toothbrush will help eradicate eliminate the bacteria that cause dental plaque.

So what foods can help counteract the dental plaque? The answer is the fruits and vegetables you consume after the meal. This is why fruits and vegetables in category 4 healthy 5 perfect for fruits and vegetables will help repair damage tooth enamel and prevent bad breath.

Those are some ways to prevent and clean up tartar that you might want to try. Please understand that the natural way requires patience and perseverance, so make sure you apply the method on a regular basis. | Tartar and plaque overcome easily

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