Consumption of these foods to keep skin beautiful

Consumption of these foods to keep skin beautiful

Ladies, who do not want to have beautiful skin? All women would like to have it. Not only beautiful, skin soft, smooth, and bright women also became an obsession.

Consumption of these foods to keep skin beautiful

To get it, most women do the treatment by applying a cream or serum specific. Well, it is legitimate. But it's good if you're also supports skin health from the inside by eating foods below.

The vegetables that contain many phytonutrients that protect the skin from the adverse effects resulting from exposure to sunlight is the spinach. Spinach is also full of healthy nutrients such as beta carotene and lutein that are proven to improve skin elasticity. Along with its anti-inflammatory, then eat spinach is able to eliminate toxins that cause skin dullness.

Walnuts are rich in vitamin B. This vitamin helps in blood circulation is very important to keep the skin to stay healthy. Walnuts also contain vitamin E, which helps prevent premature aging.

The sweetness of the mango sweet it also provides benefits for the skin. Mangoes are rich in vitamins A and C, which serves to prevent premature aging, helps in the regeneration of skin cells and makes your skin wrinkle-free and always smooth.

Almond milk
Almond milk contains copper and manganese which protects the skin from UV damage. The content of vitamin E in them also are antioxidants that keep skin health.

Apples are a rich source of vitamin C and ascorbic acid which helps in the production of collagen, skin protein that can make your skin soft and avoid wrinkles. Apples also contain vitamin A which helps in beautifying the skin.

Berries are a rich source of fiber which helps to remove toxins and make your skin shine. Berries are also rich in antioxidants that help prevent the skin from aging. The content of flavonoids in it can make your skin look younger.

Citrus fruits such as oranges, lemons, and grapefruit are rich in vitamin C is essential for collagen production. This vitamin is able to make your skin supple and soft.

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How to get beautiful skin naturally? Consumption of these foods 

Well, for you who want to stay beautiful skin, do not forget to always eat some foods that have been mentioned above. Make sure your skin will always be smooth and soft with very helpful food was.

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