How to treat acne in the traditional way powerful

How to treat acne in the traditional way powerful

Just like pimples, blackheads appear on our face will also be very disturbing appearance. Although not as severe acne, blackheads have a face that for some people it will also reduce self-confidence, especially in women. Therefore, we must know how to overcome and eliminate blackheads from your face, so that the facial skin silky smooth. That way you can appear more confident, with a face free of blackheads.

How to treat acne in the traditional way powerful

The cause blackheads

Blackheads appear on the face caused by dead skin cells and excess oil glands, thus making the pores become clogged oil. Therefore, the, to reduce blackheads on the face, we should be able to cope with the excess oil on the face for blackheads can be reduced. Because the excess oil on the face, will be one for the growth of blackheads. If you have excess facial oil, with only clean the face, either use a facial cleanser or face wash it, it is not enough to stop the growth of blackheads.

Type blackheads

As for blackheads itself there are two kinds, namely white comedones (whiteheads) and black comedones (blackheads). The characteristic white comedones ie with small spots in the closed pores, blackheads or commonly called worms, while the black blackheads appear dilated pores with a blackish color.

To reduce blackheads on the face can be done by always cleaning your face by washing your face at least three times a day. In addition, reduce the type of foods that contain lots of calories and fat, and spicy foods. Especially for women, reduce solid powder, and foundation. Avoid also squeeze blackheads using your fingers, if forced to squeeze them with your fingers, wash face using alcohol or solvents antiseptic order to avoid inflammation.

How to eliminating blackheads premises natural way

Here is a natural way that you can do to reduce and eliminate blackheads on your face.

Take one lemon and then split into two parts, then squeeze the water grab. Rub lemon juice into the face of blackheads evenly, and let stand for - + 5-10 minutes. Next, rinse your face using cold water until clean. Perform this step every day until you are on the face of blackheads is reduced and disappeared.

We know a variety of honey has many benefits and benefits for health, beauty and well materials. Honey is also a natural material to remove blackheads from the face. The trick is: take pure honey to taste, then warm honey over low heat. Apply warm honey to your face blackheads surface evenly. Let stand for 20-30 minutes, then rinse using clean water.

Aloe vera
Aloe vera is widely used for beauty. One of the properties of aloe vera can also overcome the acne on your face. How can you do that, take 1 medium-size stalks of aloe vera and then take the meat. Make meat jelly with aloe vera into how knead or use a blender. Apply aloe vera jelly evenly to the face and leave on for 15-20 minutes, then rinse your face using clean water.

Hot water vapor (steam)
In addition to the above, you can also perform evaporation using hot water to remove blackheads from your face. To do that, pour hot water into a small basin container. Then let steam your face with hot water over a distance of 20-30 cm of water., cover your head using a towel so the steam does not come out. Do this 5-10 minutes, then take the exit blackheads using cotton or a cotton bud.

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That was some way that you can do to reduce and eliminate blackheads, white comedones and blackheads are both black. By making the above routine and painstaking, undoubtedly existing blackheads on your face to be lost.

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