Preventing cancer with the following food

Preventing cancer with the following food

Cancer is a deadly disease that could threaten the life of anyone male or female. But for women, cancer should be aware of is breast cancer. In this world female mortality from breast cancer is still very high. Therefore, it would be nice if we prevent such a dangerous disease with a healthy lifestyle.

Preventing cancer with the following food

Healthy lifestyle can we begin to eat vegetables and fruits. In addition to supplying important nutrients into the body, the benefits of certain vegetables may also prevent breast cancer. Ada one vegetable that allegedly can prevent breast cancer. And these vegetables are broccoli.

Reported by, broccoli contains some important compounds capable of eliminating toxic substances cancer-causing (carcinogenic toxins). These vegetables also reduces DNA mutations, pushing the death of breast cancer cells, helps prevent the development of benign tumors becoming malignant tumor types, helping to prevent the spread of breast cancer, is also believed to be able to prevent the hormone estrogen stimulates the growth of breast cancer cells.

Had a really great benefits of vegetables, it is also very easy to obtain. Broccoli price is quite affordable and does not drain the bag. You can cultivate these vegetables according to taste. You can even eat them raw if you like.

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Highly recommended to eat raw broccoli contains sulforaphane in it that does not diminish or even disappear. This substance is a substance that is important to prevent the occurrence of breast cancer.

Well ladies, if you're already eating broccoli today ?. Starting today, make it compulsory broccoli as a vegetable you should eat if you want to avoid breast cancer.

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