Symptoms of cancer that is often overlooked in women

Symptoms of cancer that is often overlooked in women

Cancer is a disease that is dangerous. His presence is still a scourge for the medical world because it often leads to death. Cancer can affect anyone no matter in the elderly, young, big, small, male or female. Everyone has the potential to esophageal cancer. And it comes with unexpected dangers. So if we do not know the early symptoms, it is usually the sufferer will be caught cancer when the disease is severe.

Symptoms of cancer that is often overlooked in women

Some of the early symptoms of cancer we need to know in order to more quickly handled before the cancer becomes severe. Because cancer can be detected early. Here are the symptoms that are often overlooked which was the danger of cancer, as reported by namely:

Many women experience bloating are common and can be lost over time. But if you continue to experience menstruation ends bloating although there could be a problem with you and your ovarian cancer risk.

If your breasts feel uncomfortable, no discoloration, discharge and no lumps then it could be a symptom of breast cancer.

Menstruation is not smooth, the period of menstruation is different. Some women consider this is normal changes due to hormonal factors and stress. If this happens immediately consult with your doctor because it could be this is a symptom of ovarian cancer.

Often feel pain and pain in the abdomen for no apparent reason. Either this is a symptom of colon cancer. If you are experiencing abdominal pain for a long time and with an intensity that often immediately consult with your doctor.

If you often feel the urge to urinate more than usual, do not underestimate these markers. This could be a symptom of ovarian cancer.

Many women consider the aches and pains in the breast is a sign of PMS. If you continue to feel this immediately consult a doctor to consider a breast cancer test.

Preventing cancer with the following food

Symptoms of breast cancer in first stage that you must know

Although signs of cancer in the upper uncertain early symptoms of cancer, but it helps us always be alert to the health problems that may suddenly come up. More thorough and sensitive to changes in the body is essential to prevent cancer from the beginning. Never underestimate your health, if there are complaints that are not normally in your body immediately consult a doctor for further health check.

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