Who would want a premature aging of him ?. I think in this world there is no or almost no one wants it. In fact, most of them are willing to spend fees and costs are so expensive to have him stay looking youthful. Although the age factor will also affect the physical state of a person, where the skin looks wrinkled with age.

For teenagers and under 30 years of age, of course, they do not want to look like the physical condition of people aged over 50 years, especially in the skin of their bodies. Therefore, many people in this world that avoids the problem of premature aging of itself through a variety of ways.


In general, aging often occurs in those who have scabby skin types. In this dry skin types, levels of sebum which is an oil content to protect the skin from pollution and to keep moisturize the skin level very less, so it will be very susceptible to premature aging especially someone who has dry skin does not care for the skin as well as possible.

The process of premature aging in a person normally would be seen when the skin becomes dry, cracked, scaly, rough, and accompanied with visible wrinkles and black spots and stains, especially around the face. If someone is experiencing premature aging, it will look much older than his actual age.

The cause premature aging

Premature aging, not normal or abnormal call. If you do not want to experience premature aging, you need to know what the cause so it can evade and avoid premature aging of the name. But in general, premature aging is caused by two factors, namely internal and external factors, as well as factors of one's own habits.

*Internal factors
Some of the internal factors that can trigger premature aging of the person, among others, heredity, psychological, health and endurance. For internal factors have most certainly can not be avoided because it is a natural process that did occur in humans. This process can also be triggered by hormonal changes and stress levels experienced by a person.

* External factors
While external factors that can lead to premature aging among others, namely:

/ Sunlight / Ultraviolet /
Sunlight is the most significant external factors impact on a person's premature aging. Therefore, avoid direct sun excessively. The most dangerous time to be avoided is when ultraviolet light is at its peak is between the hours of 10:00 to 15:00. We recommend using sunscreen on the face and other body parts were open to protect the skin from direct sunlight when you go out of the house.

/ Free radicals /
Free radicals are the effects of environmental pollution, the use of water mixed with chemicals or extreme weather and other factors that may cause disruption of collagen growth. Free radicals are harmful molecules that very damaging cells of the body including the collagen network. To prevent this, you should be able to eat a lot of foods that contain a variety of vitamins such as fruits and vegetables and high-protein diet as an antioxidant to protect yourself from free radicals.

The causes of premature aging can also be due to factors Humidity air / unstable weather. How to protect the skin moisture, especially for people who live in the tropics that is known for having an unstable air humidity is to use a moisturizer that can retain moisture in the skin. Therefore, for those of you who live in the tropics that the air humidity change, it is highly recommended to use a moisturizing lotion or aqueous binder or alpha-hydroxy acid A-HA to protect and provide moisture to your skin.

* Factor one's habits
The aging process can occur as a result of bad habits that are not healthy in a person, ranging from lack of sleep, stress, alcohol consumption, is in the air-conditioned room for too long, exposed to pollution, until exposed to solar radiation.

In order to avoid premature aging, in addition to avoiding some of the causes of premature aging that have been mentioned above earlier, eating healthy foods also be a powerful way to ward off or avoid premature aging. In addition, doing a healthy lifestyle in order to avoid premature aging.

Type of food to keep skin healthy

Eating a healthy diet will help you avoid premature aging. with regular consumption of these foods will keep skin smooth and soft, and supple. And here are the best foods for keeping your skin to stay healthy:

#. Avocado
In a Avocados are a source of vitamin E and antioxidants that are high so it is good in consumption as the prevention of oxidative damage in the body. For those of you who regularly consume, avocado can help the body to fight free radicals and prevent damage to collagen in our skin.

Collagen itself is an important protein in the body that serves to maintain productivity in order to keep the elastic skin. The content of unsaturated fats and high in beta-carotene in the fruit of the avocado is also an excellent nutrient for healthy skin that protects the skin from signs of aging.

#. Salmon
Salmon contains omega 3 polyunsaturated fats are also very good for the body. Omega 3 has a very important role for healthy skin because it will prevent dry skin and premature aging.

Omega 3 will naturally produce oil that serves as a moisturizer for our skin. Unsaturated fats can also increase the flexibility and firmness of the skin and can help repair damaged skin so the skin will look younger.

#. Green algae
Maybe you do not know if plants can live in fresh and salt water contains a lot of nutrients for healthy skin. Green algae contain substances that are beneficial as antioxidants and anti-aging. In addition to the two substances, it turns green algae are also rich in beta-carotene and vitamin C, both of which are in need of the body to help even improve skin health.

In addition, the benefits of green algae are also rich in chlorophyll or green substance, which can help in detoxifying or removing toxins from the body so that the plant is highly recommended to be consumed.

#. Red wine
The fruit that's very easy to get rich in resveratrol-chemical compounds in plants and antioxidants. In addition to good health and anti-aging, resveratrol in red grapes bladder may also make people who often eat them will live long.

From the results of research by the experts mentioned that resveratrol shows great potential for protection against aging, especially organ of the human heart.

#. Turmeric
Do not underestimate the spice this one. Cook than as a condiment, spices can improve our health and anti-aging because it contains curcumin as an effective antioxidant. The content of curcumin in turmeric is also believed to lead to the minimization of cancer cells and prevent someone from a heart attack.

#. Watermelon
Aside from being a refreshing fruit, the content in watermelon is also very beneficial for the health of our skin. In Watermelon fruit, rich in lycopene powerful antioxidants to fight and prevent premature aging. The fruit is also a good source of vitamins A and C that will provide nutrients to the skin so the skin will avoid the issue of wrinkles and discolored.

Not only fruit that could be used for skin health, but it turns out watermelon seeds also contain vitamins and antioxidants that are beneficial for the skin. Antioxidant lycopene contained in watermelons also can lower a person's risk of heart disease and cancer.

Now that you know how very beneficial foods that have been mentioned above. From now on, make these foods to keep your skin in order to stay healthy and avoid the signs of premature aging. | BEST FOOD TO PREVENT ANTI-AGING

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