The benefits of vegetables and fruits for health based on the color

The benefits of vegetables and fruits for health based on the color

Fruits and vegetables are a group of intake should be consumed every day. The nutrition experts recommend that we eat at least five food groups every day in the form of colored vegetables or fruits that are red, white, blue, purple, yellow, or green. The resulting color of the plants showed the presence of certain phytochemicals are efficacious in preventing certain diseases. Therefore, we need to recognize the benefits behind the fruit and vegetables by color. The reason there are different colors in fruits and vegetables, it will be different benefits contained therein.

Various colors of fruits and vegetables not only beautiful to look at, but behind the colors also bring different benefits to health. So what are the benefits of fruits and vegetables look based on the color ?.

The benefits of vegetables and fruits for health based on the color

If we look at the fruit and fresh vegetables and fresh ingredients lined up at the supermarket or in the market, vegetables are profoundly interesting and fun to look before you buy it. According to the researchers of the spectrum, the colors emitted from natural foods Anti-Stress does have an effect on humans.

But it turns beautiful colors in these foods can not only be enjoyed by the eyes, because behind the diversity of colors that attract owned by fruits and vegetables are fresh foods that have properties suitable color. Some fruits or vegetables with a special color has a certain content ranging from vitamin A, vitamin E, beta-carotene, lycopene, chlorophyll, to folic acid. Food ingredients respectively contained in foodstuffs with specific colors that bring health benefits is different also.

Efficacy of fruits and vegetables red color

Fruits and vegetables that are red in addition to causing appetite, with an attractive appearance or content of the red pigment lycopene also brings benefits as an antioxidant that can fight cancer cells. In some studies, lycopene proved capable of overcoming gastric cancer cells caused by helicobacter pylori infection, inhibit and nitrosamines which cause cancer of the stomach, reducing the risk of leukemia, preventing the formation of tumors, inhibiting the growth of brain cancer cells, colon and prostate also to the recommendation. In addition, as an antioxidant to prevent oxidation of LDL, which automatically lowers the risk of blood vessel blockage.

Besides beneficial as an antioxidant, lycopene is also capable of capturing free radicals in the old cells, as well as repair cells damaged so as to maintain mental and physical functions of the elderly. On blood sugar, lycopene is able to affect insulin resistance, and increases tolerance to sugar, and prevent the occurrence of diabetes mellitus. While sexually, lycopene affects the number of sperm structure and influence the aggressiveness, up said to increase male fertility.

Lycopene can also prevent osteoporosis in postmenopausal women. Besides lycopene, fruits and red vegetables such as onions, tomatoes, beets, spinach, red, and red pepper, also contains beta-carotene is a provitamin A, where the material can be converted into vitamin A and vitamin E increasingly complement the benefits as an antioxidant to prevent optic nerve damage and premature aging of the skin.

Fruits and vegetables are rich in phytonutrients red lycopene and anthocyanins, natural color pigments that give color to fruits and vegetables. As found in tomatoes, guava, watermelon, which has anti-aging benefits, while protecting against cancer, especially prostate cancer cells.

While anthocyanins contained in strawberries, red grapes, red apple, or cherry, loaded with antioxidants that protect the body from the effects of free radicals. These compounds also help reduce the risk of heart disease and keep blood pressure in order to keep control. Recent studies experts

Efficacy of green vegetables and fruits

The green color found in fruits and vegetables caused by the substance chlorophyll. Lutein and zeaxanthin are two carotenoids found in yellow peas, also spinach, and other dark green vegetables. Both of these compounds are required to maintain eye health and reduce the risk of cataracts. The green color is also rich in fiber, as well as a source of potassium, magnesium and folate, which is highly recommended for those who are planning a pregnancy.

Principal components contained in food that is green is chlorophyll. Chlorophyll itself has many benefits because it is rich in anti-inflammatory substances antiparasitic, antioxidant, anti-cancer.

Consume fruit and green vegetables able to encourage and speed up clearance of a network that is not good, following bacteria, parasites, and toxic synthetic chemicals. When consumed, chlorophyll helps the liver function and dismantle synthetic chemical compounds such as pesticides, drugs, monosodium glutamate, borax, and formaldehyde. And this is the reason why chlorophyll is often used in the detoxification process.

In addition, chlorophyll is also able to increase the production of red blood as well as stimulating the production of white blood cells. This could be regarded as anti-anemia agent and booster of the immune system in the body. The content of nucleic acid and amino acid on chlorophyll can also serve as a natural tranquilizer. To get the benefits of chlorophyll, eat green vegetables such as spinach leaf alfalfa, broccoli, lettuce, green beans, cabbage, celery, bok choy and Brussels sprouts. Besides vegetables, as well as fruits such as green melon, green apple, avocado, and kiwi. In addition to containing chlorophyll, a green hand ingredient also contains folic acid which has many benefits for the body anyway.

Folic acid is needed women who are pregnant to prevent the occurrence of defects in the central nervous system of the fetus. Folic acid also helps prevent anemia, cardiovascular disease, lowers the risk of cancer, and preventing Alzheimer's. Due to the folic acid contained in green food source capable

improve brain performance and improve short-term memory. Dn fruit green vegetables are also rich in vitamins C and K. Especially vitamin K which can destroy cancer cells, as well as the substance of frozen blood. This blood freeze function that MMPI reduce hardening of the arteries due to plaque deposits of calcium, so as to minimize the risk of heart disease and stroke.

Fruits and vegetables orange

In the orange-colored fruits and vegetables contained a dye that is also called beta carotene. Beta carotene has many benefits for the body, one of them as an anti-oxidant that take care of the optic nerve. Besides beta-carotene are also able to prevent plaque and cholesterol deposits in the blood vessels so that it can lower the risk of heart disease. The antioxidant properties of beta carotene which stabilize the carbon-core radicals can also reduce the risk of cancer. Beta carotene also enhanced the function of vitamin E and vitamin C in combating free radicals in the body.

According to research carrot consumption, five times a week can lower the risk of stroke by 68%. In addition to beta-carotene, Alpha-carotene is also contained in fruit and orange vegetables also proved able to inhibit the development of N-myc that can trigger cancer. In fruits and vegetables, orange also beta-cryptoxanthin existing substances on the skin of an orange-colored fruit, other than as precursors (can be converted into) vitamin A, can also reduce levels of bad cholesterol in the blood.

In the orange-colored vegetables such as carrots also contained falcarinol are useful to prevent cancer, especially colon cancer. While the orange-colored fruit such as oranges, contains citric acid that can dissolve fat in the body and prevent kidney stones. Citric acid is proven to decipher sulfate, phosphate, and sodium causes kidney stones. In citrus fruits also contain ferritin can support vitamin C helps collagen in the skin and maintain bone mass. Consuming orange always considered beneficial for women to maintain skin elasticity and reduce the risk of osteoporosis in post-menopausal time.

To protect eye health and memory function, you can regularly consume fruit and vegetables and yellow or orange can also be obtained other benefits, such as skin protection from the sun.

Citrus family is a source of vitamin C, which are rich in antioxidants so it will be able to boost the immune system and protects the body from Cardiovascular disease, build collagen in the skin, and helps the absorption of iron. Yellow fruit is also rich in potassium which is useful to prevent stroke and coronary heart disease.

Efficacy of fruits and vegetables yellow

Fruits and vegetables that are yellow-containing pigment beta-cryptoxanthin, lutein, and zeaxanthin. Beta-cryptoxanthin proved crucial as prevention of osteoporosis, especially in women in post menopause. Lutein and zeaxanthin are the ingredients that cause vegetables or fruit that had been colored green to yellow. For the body, this material useful as an antioxidant that can prevent DNA damage, also reduces the risk of cancer and tumors. Fruits and vegetables that are yellow as bananas, which contain potassium helpful smoothen the delivery of oxygen to the brain, triggering the working muscles and nerves, controlling blood pressure, maintain fluid balance, also provides carbon dioxide from the blood. Eating a banana can help the body become more fresh and reduce the risk of stroke.

In addition to fruit, seasoning known to carry yellow as saffron, which also has the main content of curcumin that causes yellow turmeric. Curcumin has properties mutations destroy cancer cells thereby reducing the risk of gastrointestinal cancers, breast, leukemia, also the spread of cancer to other organs. Besides that curcumin is able to increase the production of m-RNA that increases the LDL receptor that is able to lower LDL levels in the blood. The most famous helpful curcumin to boost the immune system and helps the body to ward off the danger of attacks of various diseases caused by viruses, stomach infection can be cured by consuming saffron 10 mg / kg body weight. This is related to the ability of essential oils contained in turmeric as an anti-inflammatory, combined with curcumin was able to ward off disease.

Usefulness of fruit and vegetables in white

The white color found in fruits and vegetables does not mean the food does not have a lot of useful content. Food groups with a white color actually has had a great many benefits for health. Fruits and vegetables, condiments and ingredients that are white have benefits for preventing systemic diseases (heart disease, hypertension, diabetes), antibiotics, source of vitamin C, calcium sources, to fight cancer cells.

From the class of white vegetables known bean sprouts and cauliflower. Sprouts are the germination of diverse seeds turned out to have more nutritional value,

High of seed origin. Mung bean sprouts, for example, have a protein value 119% higher than its own green beans. Sprouts alfalfa saponins also have elevated levels of up to 450% of their home. Soybean sprouts which originally did not contain vitamin C contained vitamin C and 12 mg / 100 grams after becoming sprouts. And almost all of sprouts or sprout improve the content of vitamins B1, B2, B3, E (tocopherol), and folic acid.

Folic acid is contained in bean sprouts useful for preventing anemia, diarrhea, also can heal wounds in the stomach and intestines. High protein content in the bean sprouts can also lower high blood pressure. Saponins in bean sprouts also capable of pouring LDL, thereby lowering the risk of coronary heart disease and increases the activity of T-lymphocytes, and interferon (as natural killer cells) which reduces the risk of cancer. The content of various vitamins can be antioxidants that fortify the body from damaging free radicals DNA. Similarly, a high content of genistein in soybean sprouts that can disrupt food supply to the cancer cells.

As for cauliflower contain enzymes myrosinase through processing and digestion process capable of changing indole glucosinolates and glucosinolates into isothiocyanates and indole-3 carbinol that can inhibit inflammatory enzyme cyclooxygenase lipoxygenase and thus be referred to as an anti-inflammatory (inflammation). Moreover, this enzyme is capable of inhibiting the growth of cancer cells.

From the class of the fruit is white there is also a yam, which contains Jicama fit estrogen which can be utilized as a backup body estrogen. Consuming Jicama in youth, later to improve the quality of life in the old days. Fitoesterogen reserves can be used as the menopause so that bones and physically healthy women remain even after the age of retirement.

Food was white from the class known herbs such as garlic and onions. Garlic is rich in selenium antioxidant benefits, as well as prevent premature aging. Besides garlic has a sulfur content of bioactive components forming allicin, alien, and ajone, are useful as antibiotics, antioxidant, lowering LDL cholesterol, increase HDL, anti-blockage of blood vessels, and decrease the risk of stroke symptoms. Onions which contains L Gamma glutamyl trans S1 propenyl cysteine sulfoxide L beneficial to inhibit the production of osteoclast (Destroyer bone cells) so that bone density is maintained. Besides onions also contain isothiocyanates such as the cauliflower is useful as an anti-inflammatory.

Good garlic, bananas, potatoes, and cauliflower, belongs to a group of vegetables and fruits that are white that we already know. The white color in the food ingredients derived from anthoxanthin , which is a kind flavonoid which has antioxidants. Another advantage of the fruits and vegetables group of white are lowering the risk of prostate cancer, boost immune activity, and rich in potassium.

Those are some benefits of vegetables and fruits for health based on the color. Well, for those of you who do not like eating vegetables and fruits, from now on try to get used to eating these foods. Because in fruit and vegetables, there are many benefits to our body.

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