20 how to cure acne naturally potent

20 how to cure acne naturally potent

Acne is a common problem that many experienced by many people in this world. From adolescence teenagers who are entering puberty into adulthood many encounter problems in the face pimple. To get rid of acne, you should always keep the skin and make healthy lifestyle.

20 how to cure acne naturally potent

Acne is a cause very much. ranging from oily foods, the dust, the use of indiscriminate and rarely wash face creams and stress are also included. As much as possible if we do not want our face affected by acne, to avoid the causes of acne.

Most of those who have the face or other body parts with acne, will try to find a solution to eliminate acne from themselves. Not infrequently, many failures committed in treating acne.

But for those of you who already spotty, you should not pessimistic about the drugs that you use today that do not work to eradicate your acne. Because there are some appropriate manner and the materials used also true that after safe to use.

Treating acne using natural medicine traditional materials from nature is the best way to try. Because natural ingredients contain many benefits for human health. In addition to natural ingredients are more readily available and less expensive when compared to chemical drugs. In addition, the side effects of using natural ways to get rid of acne in this way you will be very minimal.

And for those of you who are curious about what kind of plant that has efficacy for treating acne, here are some types of traditional medicine to get rid of acne and acne scars on the face.

Avocado and Honey
There are some people who argue that avocados can cause acne. But until now, it has not been proven to their opinion whether it is true or not. To be sure, the content of nutrients and vitamins contained in the avocado fruit is good for curing acne. Coupled with honey, it will be a powerful acne drug. And this natural herb deserve you try to get rid of stubborn acne on your face.

How to make?
After avocado and honey has been prepared, mix both ingredients mix to be used as a paste. Aplukat puree and honey in a blender to form a paste and then apply facial acne. Use avocado paste as a mask and leave for 20 minutes / bit dry, then rinse with clean water afterward. To work effectively, do it this way on a regular basis.

Green Tea
We know that green te has a variety of properties that are good for health, including Green tea is also very well be used to cure acne internally with how consumed as a beverage. Not only do through internal only, but the treatment of acne using green tea can also be done externally, ie by applying the facial acne directly.

How to make acne medications with green tea?

If you want to perform the treatment by external means, before you wash your face first before using this medication. How to create a potion is, Prepare a bowl of water and enter the green tea leaves into a saucepan and bring to a boil. Furthermore, let stand until slightly cool and used on the face, can be sprayed or rubbed gently on the face with a cloth or cotton. But if you want to practice, you can take medication regularly internally by drinking the green tea drinks. Even you can apply both ways.

Pasta Bushhammer
If you've been taking to throw away the skin, for those of you who are acne can take advantage of the orange peel to be made in powerful drugs to fight acne. Vitamin C in orange peel has a good nature to get rid of acne, in addition to orange peel also has a function to rejuvenate the skin cells of your skin that has died. So that not only acne disappear, but your skin will become smoother.

How to make lemon pasta acne medication?
Orange peel before you wash them clean first, then Blender orange peel mixed with a little water until soft and becomes a paste. Before wear them in the face, wash your face first to throw dirt on the skin with water and dry. After that the new Apply a paste of orange peel on the face and leave on for - + 30 minutes. Afterward, rinse the mask orange peel on your face using clean water.

Egg whites
Now there are many who know that the egg white contains many benefits, especially for beauty. In Egg whites contain proteins and vitamins are also very good to get rid of acne and blemishes or scars in the form of black spots acne scars.

How to use egg whites to the acne medication?
How acne treatment is very simple to use egg whites. All you have to do is separate the egg whites with the yolk. Once separated, then beat the egg whites until foamy. Apply it on your face repeatedly until evenly on the skin and let stand until dry or over - + 20 minutes. Next, rinse your face with warm water using a towel.

Apple vinegar
Apple cider vinegar has properties that are good for the face to balance pH and prevent grow of bacteria on the skin. So that apple cider vinegar can also be a potent drug for treating acne.

How to treat acne with apple cider vinegar?
To treat acne use the apple cider vinegar, how pretty simple. All you have to do is mix the apples taste like water. Then apply apple cider vinegar on the face using a cotton swab and let stand for - + 15 minutes. Subsequently, clean face using clean water. If treatment with apple cider vinegar to your facial skin feels dry, use a moisturizer if needed.

Aloe vera
In the world of beauty, these natural ingredients are so many benefits. Aloe vera is widely used for hair, it is also good for treating acne stubborn. Aloe vera has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. In addition, aloe vera is also proven to blemishes of acne scars.

How to make acne drugs with aloe vera?
You prepare one-rod aloe vera, then take the meat alone. After that create a gel to be made into a mask on your face. Before using gel masks aloe vera, first, wash your face with water and pat dry with a towel. after that Apply to face with acne and leave for more than - + 20 minutes. After that, wash your face with clean water or warm water.

Aside from being a healthy fruit, papaya can also be used as a medicine to cure acne. Because Papaya contains an enzyme called papain, which has the function separately reduce inflammation and prevent the appearance of pus in acne. Papaya fruit can also eliminate dead skin cells that will make the face softer and smoother.

How to make potions acne with papaya?
You simply provide 1 ripe papaya and then mash until smooth. then you apply the papaya mask on the face and Leave for - + 20 minutes. Next, rinse your face with warm water.

Banana peel
If you've been eating a banana, do not remove the skin because it can still be helpful to be made in acne medications. Besides the fruit is good for health turned out to be a banana skin also has a good function to get rid of acne. Because the banana peel contains lutein, are antioxidants that can reduce swelling and inflammation.

How to utilize as a banana skin acne medication?
The way is easy, you just need to set up any kind of a banana skin, then rub in the face with acne in a circular manner. Let stand for about - + 30 minutes, then rinse the face with clean water.

Strawberries and Honey
Strawberries contain high levels of salicylic acid, which is one substance that is very good for getting rid of acne fast. The acid function is used to open the skin pores clogged and neutralize the bacteria that can cause infection.

How do I make the acne drug use strawberries and honey?
Before you use this herb, you must first wash your face with clean water and then dry with a towel. 3 Puree the strawberries and mix with 2 tablespoons of pure honey until evenly distributed. Next, apply on face evenly over - + 20 minutes, then wash your face with clean water afterward.

Lemon juice
Lemo contains vitamin C and nitric acid that works to treat acne and help exfoliate the skin.

How to use :
Prepare the lemon juice then spread to the face using a cotton swab. If the pain you can add a little juice yogurt. Set aside time to dry and then rinse with clean water until clean.

Tea Tree Oil
Tea tree oil can dissolve sebum and dead skin cells that can prevent infection of the lower surface of the skin and prevent infection.

How to use :
Dilute the tea tree oil to mix with water at a ratio of 1: 9 (1 tea oil drops of water 9 drops appeal). Then wash your face before the user must first use clean water afterward, apply on your face by using cotton until evenly distributed. Set aside time to dry and rinse with water afterward.

Mint leaves
Mint contains menthol which serves as an anti-inflammatory and pain on acne. Mint can not cure acne but can help eliminate the effects of redness on the face and can also relieve swelling caused by acne.

How to use:
Destroy the first mint leaves can be ground using a blender or alone. After washing your face with clean water and dry, then apply on face delicate mint leaves and let stand for 10-15 minutes. Wash with cold water and do this routine for maximum results.

Potatoes are rich in sulfur, potassium, chloride and phosphorus are very good for the face and can cure acne stubborn. With a high content of antioxidants in potatoes can encourage the growth of new skin cells and make the skin healthy.

How to use :
Grate the potatoes and then rub on the face that had been cleaned with water and let stand for 15-30 minutes. Then rinse your face with warm water.

Steam has many benefits for the human body that can treat acne. This way you can do by visiting the gym steam in the gym, but if you can not go to these places Here are a natural alternative to the steam bath using traditional materials.

Here's how:
Boil water to a boil, then pour into a large bowl or container. Let the time until the water temperature down a bit or roughly it's not too hot anymore. And place your face over the bowl and put a towel over your head. Let the steam wetting your face about 10-15 minutes and wash water to the face after using a towel before. If done regularly can cure acne.

Masks Baking Soda (Sodium bicarbonate)
Baking soda or sodium bicarbonate has antiseptic that can fight acne bacteria and fungi, and can reduce excess oil on the face.

How do I use baking soda as an acne medicine?
Mix one box of baking soda with water until it becomes a paste. Then apply on the face with a circular motion for about 2 minutes. Let stand for - + 15 minutes, rinse your face with clean water afterward.

Oatmeal is able to get rid of acne both from outside and from within. So that could be more effective to treat acne if it can be done with both.

How do I use oatmeal for acne medication?
Heat oatmeal and when it is hot add 2 tablespoons of honey and let stand until cool first. Apply to the face up evenly, and let stand for - + 15 minutes.

Thousands of benefits contained in herbs this one. In addition to health benefits, garlic is also useful as a natural ingredient to fight acne. In garlic has antibacterial properties that are very effective in fighting acne.

How do I use garlic to treat acne?
Puree garlic and mix with 1 teaspoon of fresh water. Use a cotton swab to rub the entire surface of the face. Let dry and rinse with clean water immediately afterward.

Sugar Scrub
White sugar has properties to get rid of excess skin cells that causes clogged pores on the face. By adding a few other natural ingredients that have been proven effective to treat acne, the efficacy of this natural medicine becomes very maximum.

How to make Sugar Scrub for acne medication?
Mix 1 ½ cup white sugar, 1 ½ cup brown sugar, 1/2 cup extra virgin olive oil, 2-3 tablespoons coarse sea salt, 1 vanilla bean, and 10 tablespoon pure vanilla extract. If you want to add a vanilla bean, you can peel it first, then mix with the material mixture. After all the ingredients are mixed add olive oil and let some time. Once all is ready, use a scrub on your face and let stand about - + 20 minutes, then rinse the face with clean water afterward.

Cinnamon and Honey
This material is a combination of two drugs effective for killing bacteria and as an antibiotic for acne that is not getting worse because of a bacterial infection.

How to make the acne drug use cinnamon and honey?
It is very young, you simply mixing 1 tablespoon of cinnamon with 2 tablespoons of honey until the pasta. Before doing this treatment, wash your face beforehand using clean water and dry using a towel. Make a mask and wear approximately 10-15 minutes, then rinse with clean water.

Honey and Milk / Yogurt
It is no secret that milk, honey, and yogurt has very good efficacy for beauty. So do not be surprised if the material is used as a skin beauty secret by the queen Cleopatra.

How to make potions acne with milk and yogurt?
You simply mix 1 tablespoon milk, yogurt, 1 tablespoon of honey. Once the ingredients are evenly mixed, apply on face as a mask and let stand forever + 15 minutes, then rinse the face with clean water.

Provided there is a willingness on your part to treat acne, natural ingredient above effective to use eradicate your acne. It's just that you have to order and wait for the results of treatment can be managed perfectly. | 20 ways to cure acne naturally powerful. | 20 how to cure acne naturally potent

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