What is it acne and what types of acne?

What is it acne and what types of acne?

Acne is a condition in which the skin pores clogged causing inflamed sac of pus. Acne is a skin disease that is quite a large amount of sufferers. Based on research, there was no one else in the world who get through life without a pimple on her skin. Possible causes are hormonal changes that stimulate oil glands in the skin. Other hormonal changes can trigger acne are menstruation, pregnancy, use of birth control pills, stress, as well as several other factors, especially the cleanliness of the skin.

What is it acne and what types of acne?

Many people think that acne is the usual form of small reddish bumps on the face. When in fact acne can appear in various places such as the chest back, and scalp. And acne appears to have a variety of species that do not even look alike. Each small painful pimples though very disturbing for some people because in addition to reducing the beauty of women can also make us less confident. And here we will discuss the different types of acne, in addition to increasing knowledge is also very important so that we can know how to get rid of acne properly with appropriate measures and effective.

| Forms and types of acne

1. Acne Inflammation
When the bags are follicles in the dermis fills with solid fats, can cause increased dermis. Then it will break so that white blood will hit the follicle subsea involved in inflammation on the skin. This acne inflammation will be sore and have a large enough size larger than the existing blackheads. When we try to break it down by hand or utensils are not clean, there will be more severe inflammation caused by bacteria from the outside in and infect.

2. Blackheads
Hearing the word blackheads will be familiar to you, and blackheads also one type of acne. But blackheads are not sick like this for inflammatory acne pimples blackheads which only clog the pores of the skin and not infected by germs and bacteria.

Individual #Blackheads consists of two types:

Open comedones (Whitehead) This type has the characteristics of clogged pores have a pale white color.

Closed comedones (Blackhead) whereas the characteristics of this type have clogged pores have a blackish color.

| Type of acne is known to the public

1. Acne rounded
This type of acne is a collection of spherical pimples sometimes in the form of ulcers. Initially, the appearance of acne like acne starts first and then growing and evolving so clustered and become one and then widened and faster. This happens because we squeeze acne using something that is not as clean as a nail or other tools so that the spread of germs and bacteria and make acne worse. And though acne can be healed, but the scars are difficult to remove.

2. Acne Stone
Cystic acne is the same as the inflammation of acne but has a larger size and painful because of severe inflammation. If allowed to continue without immediately treated after acne healed will leave scars on the face like a basin that can not be cured.

3. Acne Sand
acne sand acne is a collection of many small so it looks like sand. Acne is not sick because no inflammation, but make a face so terrible to behold.

| Different Types of Acne More

a. Acne Juvenil
teen acne is acne that occurs due to hormonal changes in adolescents who experience puberty, or between the ages of 14 to 20 years. Hormones are unstable due to produce sebum.

b. Acne Rosacea
In contrast to teenage acne, acne this one appear in women aged 30 to 50 years. Acne is caused by inflammation, it will cause creases on his nose look flaky. If the acne affected then to overcome it is to go to a dermatologist.

c. Acne Nitrosica
Acne is one of the acne that is quite dangerous because if the wrong treatment can cause the holes on the face and can damage the face. If you are affected by acne, the solution is you have to go to a dermatologist. This type of acne is the final stage of acne.

d. Acne Vulgaris
Acne vulgaris is actually another name for blackheads. Blackheads are the types of acne that quite easy to treat. In general, it can be cured by evaporation in the face.| What is it acne and what types of acne?

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