The benefits of chocolate for the health of pregnant women and fetuses

The benefits of chocolate for the health of pregnant women and fetuses - Chocolate is the food tasty and delicious snacks that are preferred by many people. But it turns out other than as a snack, it Is also contains many benefits one of them for the health of pregnant women. For those who are pregnant and eating chocolate could save the health of pregnant women and fetuses because chocolate can lower the risk of pregnancy poisoning was quite good, reaching approximately 65%.

The benefits of chocolate for the health of pregnant women and fetuses

One pregnancy disorder that is often the case that pregnancy poisoning or preeclampsia which can cause death for the pregnant woman and her fetus. Women who are pregnant marked by high blood pressure swelling in some other parts of the body as well as the reclamation or poisoning of pregnancy is also very risky inhibit fetal growth and even cause the fetus to be born prematurely. Up until now the cause of poisoning pregnancy is not known with certainty.

By consuming chocolate as a snack pregnancy can reduce the risk of poisoning pregnancy / preeclampsia. The benefits of chocolate for pregnant women and fetuses in the birth has been demonstrated by a team from the Yale Center For Perinatal, Pediatric Environmental Epidemiology, Yale University, USA.

In a survey that has been conducted for the 2000 pregnant women in wondering how much chocolate is consumed in the first and third trimesters during pregnancy. Then the researchers examined levels of theobromine (the levels of chemicals in chocolate) in the newborn placenta. And as a result, pregnant women who ate chocolate five times or more per week in the first trimester, the risk is almost 20% lower than pre-eclampsia compared with pregnant women who consume one chocolate bar a week. Likewise in pregnant women who consumed five or more bars of chocolate in each week during the third trimester did not develop preeclampsia as much as 40%.

This reduction in risk is greater than the percentage of pregnant women who eat chocolate per week in the third trimester. Elizabeth Trice as head of the research team concluded that it happens because theobromine has increased the circulation of blood in the placenta by blocking chemicals that are caused by stress.

Furthermore, theobromine contained in chocolate also can stimulate the heart and relax the muscles of the heart and dilates blood vessels of pregnant women.
So the conclusion mothers with high levels of theobromine which can face a lower risk preeclampsia up nearly 70% compared with pregnant women who ate the least chocolate.

Even so, of course, will require further investigation on how much needs chocolate and chocolate types which are the most profitable. However, this study is not intended that any pregnant women eat chocolate as much as possible.

Besides beneficial for pregnant women chocolate is also beneficial to the fetus. Researchers from the University Laval Quebec City, Canada said that the levels of flavonoids contained in chocolate can promote the growth of the fetus and placenta made more efficient.

Then how many pregnant women should consume chocolate during pregnancy ?. In this case, there is no suggestion of nutrition definite. However, eating chocolate two to three times a week or drank chocolate milk every day would be acceptable. therefore consume chocolate in a reasonable dosage and taste at least 1 ounce per day is enough for 150 calories. It is also combined with fruits and nuts to get good fats and antioxidants.


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