10 how to overcome natural acne and acne stain used black - Acne is one of the most common skin condition suffered by many people, both teen agers, and adults. Pimples that grow on the face caused by many factors including hormones, stress, diet, and lifestyle. Although this is not a serious condition, he has a lot of implications on the skin and the confidence of the people affected.

For those of you who are having problems with acne at this time, you can use acne removal medication with natural ingredients that are relatively safer to use. The natural acne remedy which I will share these 10 kinds. So you can choose, which drug you think is suitable for your skin type.


Natural ingredients acne medication is very easy to obtain, as well as making the process easy. By doing so, you can do at home with your own hands, and that means costs will also be more efficient. Tenth natural remedy to get rid of acne are:

Baking soda
Baking soda is a gentle exfoliant that has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory. This will greatly help maintain the pH of the skin and remove dead skin.

Make a paste of baking soda with a little water and apply on your face with acne. Wash after a few minutes. You can also use it in combination with cinnamon powder, honey, and lemon. Baking soda makes an excellent remedy to get rid of acne.

Coffee Scrub
Coffee grounds can you get after filtering coffee in the cup may be best for your skin exfoliating agents. Coffee grounds are very helpful to remove the signs of acne, improve blood circulation, prevent wrinkles so that the face remains smooth.

Just take them grounded remnants of coffee and mix with your cleanser gel to apply on your face. coffee scrub is widely available the market also in cosmetic package. You have to choose the right brand to get effective results.

Oatmeal is a gentle cleanser that absorbs excess oil from the pores of the skin. So that not only will be able to treat acne but also prevent acne came back.

Make a paste of oatmeal and honey with lemon juice and rub this mixture all over the skin or in use as a mask. Leave this package over - + 20 minutes and rinse with warm water. Use a mixture of the two times a week for best results to drive away acne.

Multani Mitti
Multani Mitti, also known as the land's full unclogs pores of the skin, which is useful for removing excess oils and cleanse the pores of the skin.

Make a paste of Multani Mitti mix with sandalwood powder and rose water. Next, apply this paste on your face and leave on for - + 20 minutes. Multani Mitti known to have a wonderful effect on clearing acne.

Sugar Scrub
A method that is very simple and easy to apply are the sugar scrub to remove acne marks. Besides as an acne medicine, sugar scrub also serves to brighten the skin.

You can make this scrub at home by taking three tablespoons of sugar, a tablespoon of honey and a tablespoon of milk powder. Then mix all together and rub it on your face for - + 15 minutes for the next rinse your face using clean water.

Egg whites
It is an old technique for and has been proven to relieve the signs of acne and acne scarring.

The way you just have to take the egg white and apply on acne scars. Use egg whites as a facial mask for about - + 15 minutes and then rinse with cold water. The egg whites are loaded with protein and vitamins that help the regeneration of new skin cells and black blemishes acne scars.

From the very first, lemon has been used as a medicinal and beauty. Lemon is also very useful in treating acne because of acid properties. Besides being able to eradicate acne on the face, Lemon also acts as a cleaner to clean the dirt that accumulates in the pores of the skin so that it can protect against acne appears.

How to use lemon in treating acne is, rubbing a slice of lemon on the acne affected skin area, then leave for a few hours. Then you immediately rinse with warm water. In addition to the earlier way, you can also use lemon juice in combination with rose water before it is applied in facial acne.

In addition, to use as cleaning teeth, it turns out toothpaste can also be used to reduce acne on the face.

The trick is to smear toothpaste on acne affected area before going to bed, and allow it to overnight. Toothpaste can reduce the redness of acne and you will see a significant decrease in the next two to three days.

Tea tree oil
Tea tree oil is one of the ingredients are known to be a treatment for acne reduction. He has antiseptic properties that kill bacteria that cause acne. Eating using this material, in addition to cure acne also to prevent new acne.

It's easy with the use of natural medicine as this one, you simply apply 2-3 drops of tea tree oil on acne affected area three times a day for best results. If the tea tree oil causes drying or irritation of your skin, you can mix it together with Aloe Vera gel and to subsequently be able to rub on the skin.

Besides as vegetables and fruits that contain lots of vitamin A and lycopene, tomatoes are also very beneficial for the skin, including acne repel. Efficacy of tomatoes for extremely diverse beauty of which can nourish, rejuvenate and even heal the skin by removing the scar that caused by acne.

To make the acne drug of tomatoes is very easy. You can cut the tomatoes into pieces and then you wipe the tomato pieces had to facial acne. Or you can make jelly of tomatoes to be used as a face mask.

That was a few natural remedies that you can use to drive away acne that stick to your skin quickly and safely. Of the ten natural cure acne above, you can choose one of the easiest and safest for the skin to treat acne.

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