Do you know the grilled fish can lead to cancer?

Who does not like to eat fish? Moreover, if the fish is served in a dish tasty and delicious as fried or baked. I'm sure everyone will be very pleased and happy with this dish is not it? But, we still have to be careful and not excessive consumption of fish, especially fish that is burned.

Do you know the grilled fish can lead to cancer?

Quoted from page, a recent study found that people who eat grilled fish more than once a week had a risk of developing breast cancer is 3 to 4 times larger than those who do not eat grilled fish. Why does this happen? The experts say that the fish is processed by fire contains chemicals called heterocyclic amines. A chemical commonly formed as heating a protein in the open in a way that is roasted or grilled.

We need to know, these chemicals are either chemical or compound that causes cancer. Even more surprising and scary, these chemicals stimulate the growth of cancer cells in the breast or surrounding areas. Dr. Kala Visvanathan who worked as a professor of epidemiology and oncology at Johns Hopkins University says that together with meat, fish also has a compound cardiogenic and if the compound is burned, it will encourage the growth of cancer cells in the body.

Prof. Kala is also the author of a journal published in the American Association, said, "The fish also has the potential to cause cancer when he was cooked by fire. Protein is heated in the open (burned) are more likely to trigger cancer."

Researchers have concluded that not only the genes or hereditary factors that may increase the risk of breast and ovarian cancer in a person. Furthermore, grilled fish can also increase the risk of cancer. This occurs because the grilled fish contains certain chemicals that cause breast cancer where the cancer is often referred to as estrogen-receptor-positive.

Prevention of cancer with a healthy lifestyle

Given these findings, the researchers suggest we all not concerned about nutrition or healthy food just to get the body healthy and free from the risk of cancer. How food processing is also very need to be considered and sought treatment the safest and healthy. Hopefully, this information is helpful and we can all always have a healthy body and away from the risks of dangerous diseases including breast cancer risk.

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