Woman pregnant for 40 years

Woman pregnant for 40 years

Working closely with a team of doctors from meetdoctor.com that will provide answers to questions submitted by readers, has obtained a good question about the pregnancy at the age of 40 years. For those of you who are aged 40 years and may want to get pregnant again, maybe this answer from the team doctor can help you determine the risks.

Woman pregnant for 40 years

If the age is 40 years, can I still get pregnant?

In general, over the age of 30-35 years, a woman has the possibility to experience a decline of the quality and quantity of eggs produced until finally going through menopause. However, it does not mean a woman who is in a vulnerable age can not become pregnant. Pregnancy can still occur because the egg cell is still active in ovulation and produce the hormone estrogen. However, there are some things that may lead to an attempt to have a child at the age above 30 years to be more risky, among others:

  • Declining fertility rates due to: a decrease in the number and quality of eggs produced, a decrease of production of reproductive hormones, and increased medical conditions such as endometriosis that can affect the chances of pregnancy.
  • The increasing possibility of abnormalities in the egg cell or in the chromosome of children.
  • The risk of miscarriage is increased by 10% in women aged 40 years.
  • Risk of premature birth or babies with low birth weight.
  • Health disorders that may interfere with gestation, like cardiovascular disease / High vital sign and polygenic disease.
  • The risk of an abnormality during pregnancy lowers the prevalence of normal delivery, etc.

Some ways to have a healthy pregnancy over the age of 30-35 years:

  • Check-up regularly, especially early in the pregnancy.
  • Are like pregnant women take supplements of folic acid, iron supplements, etc.
  • Taking care not to over / underweight with a balanced diet and exercise regularly.
  • Avoid smoking, alcohol and consumption of coffee (caffeine).
  • Early detect chromosomal abnormalities in infants with a check up to a gynecologist.

Related: Healthy pregnancy tips

Well so was the answer to a gynecologist for a woman who wants to get pregnant at the age of 40 years. So his conclusion that  women at the age of 40 years are allowed pregnant still origin always keep her pregnancy with a few tips that have been conveyed above.

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