6 natural way of treating acne is stubborn

6 natural way of treating acne is stubborn

Acne is a common problem that many suffered by many people. And acne is also one of the health issues that many people fear. Because even though acne is not a dangerous disease, but the cause of acne is a less confident person by him. However, a common problem that must be faced by most people, especially teenagers.

6 natural way of treating acne is stubborn

Acne itself has several types and how workarounds. Because of her, to treat acne should also be adapted to each type of acne should be treated. To treat acne, we Must be careful not to squeeze acne cure and haphazard. Because it can leave a black stain of acne scars.

Various ways can be done to treat stubborn acne on your face. We can easily get modern acne medications in drug stores and pharmacies. However, acne treatment can also be done using natural ingredients that are very easy to obtain, even in the house. The natural way is also fairly effective to help treat acne on the face. As long as we do the routine use of traditional acne medications, then the acne will quickly disappear and the drug does not cause samping.ts.

To remove stubborn acne on the face, you can use the 6 natural remedies that have been proven to fight acne. 6 natural acne remedy that you can use some of them:

1. Treating acne with Ice Cube
Ice cubes role for improving blood circulation in the area around pimple and can also help shrink the pores of the skin, killing the bacteria that cause acne, remove dirt on the skin and remove excess oil that pile up on our skin.

How to treat:
Wrap ice cubes using a clean cloth and then put on the soft facial acne area evenly. Rub on your cheeks for a few minutes and remove when it can not help feeling the chill. Repeat this manner for - + 15 minutes. Do it this way routine up acne on your cheeks completely cured.

2. Treating acne using Honey
We know that honey is particularly a lot of properties and benefits for health. Share disease can also be cured using honey, including acne because the honey also contains an antibiotic that is very high. So the honey can prevent infections resulting spread inflamed pimples.

How to treat:
Prepare pure honey to taste, then apply honey to the face being simply evenly using a cotton swab in the wet with honey. Then let stand about 25-35 minutes until the honey that is attached to the face seemed to dry up. Afterward, wash your face using clean water. In order to get results in more leverage, The treatment is done routinely for acne on the face disappears.

3. Treating acne using Lemon fruit
Lemon fruit is one type of fruit contains Vitamin C which is very high. Therefore, Lemon is very good when used to treat acne and acne can shrink rapidly. But keep in mind is to use fresh lemon, and in this way may not be suitable for sensitive skin. For people with sensitive skin, you can use a mix with rose water.

How to treat:
Provide 1-2 lemons, then split into two parts for water grab. after lemon water in the can, you can directly apply it to your face evenly makeover. But for sensitive skin, give a bit of a mixture of water rose into the lemon water with stirring so evenly. Do this every day at bedtime for acne soon disappear and the back face smooth.

4. Treating acne using Garlic
Garlic is a herb widely in use as a spice in cooking. But in addition to its function as a seasoning, it turns out garlic is also very useful for curing various diseases one of them is able to deal with acne. Garlic is an antifungal, antiseptic, antioxidant and antiviral extremely helpful to kill the bacteria so it is suitable for use as an acne medication. Additionally, garlic also contains sulfur, so it can accelerate the healing process of acne.

How to treat:
Prepare 1 clove of garlic, then cut into sections. Then rub the garlic pieces into the facial acne.
Let stand for - + 15 minutes, then wash your face using clean water. Do this on a daily basis to get maximum results.

5. Treating acne with Tomato fruit
Tomatoes are one of the fruits that are beneficial to our health because the fruit contains Vitamin A and Vitamin C are high. The high vitamin content makes tomatoes is very good to be used as a natural remedy to get rid of acne.

How to treat:
Prepare 1 fresh red tomatoes, then cut the tomatoes into thin. The chunks of tomato paste to your face with acne and let stand up for - + 15 minutes. Furthermore, wash your face with clean water.

6. Treating acne with fruit Lime
Lime is commonly used by housewives for Purposes cooking and washing dishes because it can eliminate the fishy smell and former fat. Besides lime enormous amount used as a drug because it contains Vitamin C. So Orange juice is also very effective way to combat acne on the face.

How to treat:
Prepare 1 orange juice, then take the water only with how to express it. Mix the lemon juice with pure honey to taste. After that, apply evenly to the face with acne. Let stand for - + 10 minutes, then rinse your face with warm water.

Related: 5 powerful natural way to remove the black stain of acne scars

It was some natural remedies that are useful and you can use to treat your acne. With regular usage and regularly,natural medicines have the ability to treat acne effectively. But you would expect a more patient using a natural remedy because the process is not as fast as chemical drug treatment. But the side effects of natural medicines can say nothing, compared with the use of modern chemical drugs.

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