Effective natural flu remedy

Effective natural flu remedy - Influenza/flu is a type of disease that is easily transmitted and is a seasonal disease that many people suffered. Sometimes some people think flu / influenza as common diseases. However, when on leave granted will lead to other impacts, especially in the respiratory tract.

Effective natural flu remedy

Virus flu/influenza disease caused by influenza and infectious will be very vulnerable.
To overcome the flu naturally can be done by increasing the body's immune system when sneezing or coughing wear a tissue, then throw in the trash immediately given flu viruses are highly vulnerable to infectious through the eyes nose and mouth.

Natural remedies flu / influenza

Spicy food
Eating spicy foods and foods containing chili will be able to help solve the problems that you are suffering from influenza. The content of capsaicin in the chili is one of the chemical compounds that are proven and already trusted very effective in helping to cleanse the nasal cavity when you are suffering from flu/influenza. When attacked by influenza, try to eat chicken soup added with a sprinkling of pepper or chili sauce, also other foods that contain chili. But remember, do not consume too much of her because it can cause abdominal pain.

Herbs and spices
Eating spices that give a warm effect is one of the traditional natural cold medicine. Food spices that give a sense of warmth in the body such as ginger, basil, lesser galangal, and lemongrass. Foods derived from the herb can be boiled with water and then drink boiled water to cope with the flu naturally.

Ginger is one herb that is often used as a spice in the kitchen. But besides as herbs, ginger also has benefits to cure influenza naturally. Ginger can help warm the body and relieve the flu. How to make a concoction of ginger is fairly easy, namely, take 2 segment ginger then shredded and mixed with honey. Drink this concoction three times a day to cure flu

One of the natural remedies that can be done to overcome the symptoms of flu, namely pepper. Pepper is one of the herbs that contain piperine, saponins, flavonoids, soy protein, also essential oils. Pepper efficacious for treating diseases other than flu/influenza can also be also be used as a drug appetite, and sore throat that will help remove mucus also sinusitis.

Gargling is one way to overcome the flu/influenza naturally rinsing purpose is to help clean the mouth in order to avoid the attack of the bad bacteria that cause flu so that the virus does not enter into the throat. You can gargle using warm water mixed salt or turmeric ginger, apple vinegar also.

Aroma menthol
Aroma menthol can also be an option for you if having a cold or influenza. The way is easy that can be done by applying eucalyptus oil and balm on near the nostrils, throat, and chest, besides a warm bath will also help overcome the problem of flu the natural way. At the time of being exposed to the flu, you should not bathe in cold water but still use warm water to keep the body in warm

Hot steam
The next influenza drugs that could namely with hot steam therapy is a natural way of treatment. Evaporation can be carried out using hot water is poured into a container, then place your face over the container with hot water. Use a small towel to cover the head, and then put your face on top of the container. To get the maximum results then you can mix eucalyptus oil, ginger, and turmeric and other spices that have a warm nature.

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