Mistakes ourselves that cause acne

Mistakes ourselves that cause acne

Acne is a condition in which the skin pores clogged so will cause an inflamed sac of pus. And acne is a skin disease that is quite a large amount of sufferers. One researcher at the world-renowned acne problems found no one in the world who pass through his life without acne on the skin. Most causes are hormonal changes that stimulate oil glands in the skin. Other hormonal changes can trigger the onset of acne is during menstruation, pregnancy, use of birth control pills, puberty and stress.

Although acne is not a dangerous disease, but when acne occurs primarily in the face will make a person feel shy and insecure. In addition, the appearance of acne will also give effect itching and pain caused by inflamed pimples. Therefore, so that we avoid acne, we must know the causes of acne to minimize the growth of acne on your face so that your face will be free of acne are stubborn.

Mistakes ourselves that cause acne

Causes of acne

Acne appears on the face due to several factors caused by negligence that we do ourselves. Some of the causes of acne are usually without us knowing, namely:

Acne can also be caused by a blockage of the pores is often the case by the use of cosmetics that contain much oil or the use of powder that is fused to the foundation. Foundation is contained in the powder causes the powder the powder will easily clog pores, so can cause acne. Therefore, immediately clean the former makeup as quickly as possible to avoid the bacteria that cause acne.

Eating corticosteroid drugs either oral medication or topical medications can also lead to decreased immune system, thereby increasing the potential for acne due to increased activity of pathogenic bacteria.

The main problem that can cause acne on the face which p.acne bacteria that proliferate in the clogged sebaceous glands which will produce substances that can cause irritation in the surrounding area. The glands will continue to swell and possibly rupture which would then cause inflammation in the skin with acne and acne that causes a type of stone that are most likely to leave long-term pigmentation and scars in the form of black spots.

Mobile phone
Mistakes ourselves that cause acne is the use of mobile phones. Without realizing it, the use of mobile phones can be a medium for the growth of bacteria that cause acne. To prevent this, clean the surface of the phone regularly with alcohol and do not try to attach a cell phone to his cheek when called.

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