symptom of diabetes

Symptom of diabetes

Diabetes is a disease in which the body automatically sufferer can not control the level of sugar (glucose) in the blood. In a healthy body, the pancreas release insulin hormone that carries sugar through the blood to the muscles and other tissues for energy supply.

Diabetes is a metabolic disorder of distribution of sugar by the body. Diabetics can't turn out hormone in enough quantities or body that's not able of exploitation insulin in effective, so there was AN far more than sugar within the blood. Chronic excess of sugar in the blood (hyperglycemia) have become toxic to the body.

Symptom of diabetes

Sebagiaan glucose retained in the blood was spilling into the urinary tract to be excreted through the urine. Urine of diabetics that contain sugar.

Signs and symptoms often complained patients with diabetes include: frequent urination at night, frequent thirst, quickly feel hungry, losing weight rapidly, feel weak and easy fatigue, frequent tingling in the feet and hands, blurred vision, frequent infection, vaginal discharge, cuts or bruises that are difficult to heal (gangrene), ulcers, dry skin or itching.

complications of Diabetes

If left unchecked and without adequate care, the condition of diabetes can lead to complications of the disease which is fatal, such as nerve damage (neuropathy), brain (cerebrovascular), eye disorders (retinopathy), heart disease (cardiovascular), kidney disease nephropathy) , impotence, indigestion, complications in the mouth (tooth to fall off), can easily become infected, skin disorders (hives usually around the genitals) and wound rot (gangrene).

Diabetes is one of the problems in the health problems that can happen to anyone, for those who are suffering from diabetes then he can not be aware of the presence of problems in these health problems up to perform the tests. There are several symptoms of diabetes which can be an indicator of the emergence of health problems in the form of diabetes.

Experiencing many urination, feeling easily thirsty da hungry continuously lost weight drastically for no apparent reason and in healing old wounds will be an indicator of someone who is ill with diabetes. Symptoms of diabetes are more frequently occurring without him knowing it, there are several types of injuries such as cuts continue watery and not immediately recovered by anyone who should be wary.

symptoms of Diabetes

Diabetes commonly known as diabetes, which is due to a person who had been ill with diabetes because it has a high sugar content in the blood and urine, problems in the health disorder is a form of the metabolic disorder in which the process of insulin production which will decreased and occur in a decrease in glucose that can trigger a rise in blood sugar content.

Symptoms of hyperglycemia in the long term and will experience a disruption in the processing of carbohydrates that will be a marker for detecting the most prevalent of diabetes. Their appearance of wounds that do not heal is also a symptom of diabetes is becoming a most essential knowledge for anyone who is ill with diabetes. Diabetes itself is divided into two types:

The first type

Due to a disturbance in the form of health autoimmune case. Things can occur because the immune system in a person's body that the cells are in the body that produces insulin as foreign cells and so dangerous that the immune system will be young attacking the cells for the secretion of insulin so that it will easily his experience on the damage or even not functioning at all.

This type of diabetes is rarely to be found because the symptoms of diabetes are the same as other types of diabetes, for it should you know of the characteristic features of diabetic wounds also can be an indicator to detect the type of diabetes.

The second type of diabetes

The second type is a very common and are related to environmental factors and genetic factors as trigger a metabolic problem that is more common in who is sick with diabetes. Genetic Factors in the very role in increasing a risk of suffering from the symptoms of diabetes this one.

Which is usually the sufferer in the family who are at higher risk for being in people with diabetes. On environmental and lifestyle factors associated with food consumption and physical activity that can be done in everyday life will also deliver on their contribution to an increased risk of suffering from diabetes.

Related: How to treat diabetes naturally with Bay leaf

In the first type of diabetes: with it we should be more aware for their injuries which is a sign of the symptoms of diabetes. sores that do not heal as well as by taking into account of the characteristics of your diabetic wounds should be immediately dealt with care and to determine the condition of the wound means what it really a symptom of early diabetes.

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