Treating the flu virus at home with natural remedies

Treating the flu virus at home with natural remedies

Runny nose, sore throat, sneezing, and cough are some side effects that annoying flu. If already stricken with flu-like symptoms, it can be sure the activity will be disrupted. And usually, flu came to attack during certain seasons such as the transition season in which flu virus began to spread.

Treating the flu virus at home with natural remedies

Flu itself is a kind of communicable diseases due to viruses invade without the 'notice' before. If already infected with virus  flu, usually you take medicine that aims to eliminate the virus that causes the flu. But sometimes these drugs side effects such as drowsiness and bloating when you have to work.

Well, from now on get rid of drugs made from chemical that would interfere with your activities because there is a natural remedy that is effective to treat the flu that you suffer. A study reported by the revealed that the duo combination of honey and garlic is a panacea to cure the flu. The reason?

"Since hundreds of years ago, natural ingredients that you normally find in the kitchen has become a favorite remedy to cure a cold by killing the virus. This is because the anti-bacterial properties in these two materials are combined with anti-inflammatory in it. So that makes the duo natural remedy is honey and garlic is very effective for treating sore throats and other problems related to respiratory health, "said the study.

To make honey and garlic herb is also  quite simple way. All you have to do to make this herb, you only need to mix honey with water that comes from the lemon garlic. Then, after taking the natural remedy proceed with the warm water after you eat a mixture of honey and garlic.

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If today you are being exposed to the flu, try the traditional ingredients and see for yourself the efficacy of these drugs. Besides being more secure in consumption, this herb is very easy to get and without side effects.

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